The 10 Minute Secret to Creative Achievement (Hint: Scrivener)

It’s so simple.

Some of us don’t admit we need it.

We’ve got it under control right?


I’m taking my own advice. Instead of talking about this ten minute secret, I’ll just do it.

Here goes…

  • Finish draft of commercial script.
  • Storyboard ideas for the other three commercials.
  • Write 100 ideas for blog posts. Idea inspiration from Bryan Allain.
  •  Don’t watch Biggest Loser on Tuesday. Write, read, or workout instead. Shoot… now you know I watch Biggest Loser.
  •  Use Scrivener to organize my ebook. And yes, Scrivener is an amazing tool for most any writer. Takes a bit of learning, but oh so stellar. You can get Scrivener HERE.
  • Plan a tasty dinner Thursday night. My wife loves when I cook.

Take ten minutes to write your creativity ‘to do’ list for the week in the comments below. We want to see what you creatives are working on.

Let’s make it happen.


Author: Andrew Zahn

I'm a son, husband, dad, business owner, actor and good sleeper/eater. On this blog, I pave a highway for creative growth by providing food, water, and shelter for those wishing to live, work, and play with creative zest.

23 thoughts on “The 10 Minute Secret to Creative Achievement (Hint: Scrivener)”

  1. Another reason your dinner for Sarah may be extra special is because your FOURTH anniversary is Friday! Congrats to you and your bride for continued love and respect demonstrated.

    Hugs on Hugs

  2. The 100 blog post ideas is brilliant, however, it has my brain logjammed.
    Not that I have so many ideas that they are overloading me, but rather I have 4 or 5 ideas that I can’t seem to get past.

    Plus, I wanted to use “logjammed” in a sentence.

    My list is as follows:

    ~Prepare 2 meetings for work, Wednesday and Thursday.
    ~write 3 posts this week for my blog
    ~finish at least 1/2 of my ebook
    ~read Sarah Mae’s “How to Market and Sell Your ebook” ebook

    Happy Anniversary and hope to make the live chat Saturday night!

      1. Maybe I’m a geek, but I like seeing other creative people’s to-do lists. Love to see what you’re up to!

        Please do pop into the chat if possible. I think we’re up to 4 or 5 so there should be some room! Love to see you there Scott!

    1. I’ll invite you on Google+ right around noon our time on Saturday. I see you just added me to your circles so we’re good! Should be a good convo.

      We’ll also have a guitarist/writer from Nashville and a few others! Lookin’ forward to it Jason.

  3. 1. Make shameless plug of my freelance editing and proofreading service (CONTEXT Editorial Services) to the aforementioned e-book authors.

  4. 100 blog post ideas? That is about 80 more than I can come up with right now. Was that from Bryan Allain’s Blogging Mojo ebook? (I have not read the whole thing.)

    1. It was from a newsletter he’d sent out. It’s a valiant exercise. I’m gonna hunker down and give ‘er a go.

  5. I think some creative credit is due to you for turning a “to-do list” into a blog post – canny recycling strategy. It reminds me that a lot of things we do like sketching ideas out or organising our time can easily be turned into blog posts …

    So …

    1. Sift through notebooks to identify material that could be re-purposed for my blog 🙂
    2. Capitalise on sleep time by getting back into the habit of writing down my dreams.

    1. 1. Love the number 1 on your list–sounds oddly familiar.
      2. I’m headed to bed. Speaking of dreams Seymour, my wife had a dream the other night that she was asked what Americans do well. She replied ‘starting sentences.’ Thought you might get a kick out of that.

      1. “Starting sentences!” Ha ha – brilliant. Good question, great answer … I wonder what it means?

        I have been doing a lot of night shifts lately, playing the role of my nurse alter-ego. Sleeping during the day I seem to dream quite vividly. Yesterday there was a maiden with three eyes and something hiding in a haystack that I didn’t want to confront – Jung would have had a field day!

  6. Such a simple but beneficial action step that everyone can take. I really liked, “Write 100 ideas for blog posts.” I have found writing down different thoughts and ideas for posts really helps when it comes to writing.

  7. 1) Create my first board on Pinterest to get the ball rolling (toward my fabric art, eventually).
    2) Select dancewear, storyboard first Youtube promo, “audition” musical score for my first video.
    3) Finish sewing absynthe ballgown, write copy, model/photograph, list for sale online.
    4) Laugh at self for biting off more than I can creatively chew.

    500) Lament lack of decisiveness about next blog post despite two full notebooks of ideas. Get sinking feeling in stomach about gap between last post and today. Write a draft, maybe.

    1. Great list! Some steller items on there. My wife loves getting stuff on Etsy and such!

      Also, I just checked your blog. Can’t waaaait to see your next post. Bated breath.

  8. Thanks for the Twitter follow. Saw that you used Scrivener on your about page and looked this post up. I’m writing a PhD dissertation and I’ve decided to use Scrivener to help me put it together. I hope it works as well there as it has for you!

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