Creative Passion

Dear Me,

Just a reminder before you get started: you wrote this post. You wrote this letter.

You. Wrote. It.


Now it’s time to dig a little deeper.

Put your fingernails in the the dirt of your creativity. Let them come up grimy and soiled. Feel the cool of the earth and the grounded feeling of the minerals.

Dig in.

Passion begets passion.

Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 were all about getting yourself to feel again. You might’ve felt angry or frustrated at first. But mostly you felt empowered. You realized you’ve abandoned your creativity.

Passion begets passion.

Onward and upward?

No. Deeper and wider.

Deep. Diggin’ in deep into the heart, the core, the center. It’s not about going out or around or floating up. It’s about hunkering down and digging in and seeking what the $#%@ you’re really made of.

Creative Passion

Passion begets passion.

For hours, days, months, even years, your lack of passion holds you prisoner.

It’s bars are named:

  • Apathy
  • Lust
  • Indecision
  • Busyness
  • Fear (the most obvious)

You’ve heard others talk about fear, haven’t you?

And you made a pact to not invite fear into your self-made prison.

But what did you invite in it’s place? You may have invited the surrogates: apathy, lust, indecision, and busyness.

You invited everything but what you need to break from those prison bars: passion.

Passion begets passion.

So how do you get passion if you have none?

You Do.

It’s that simple.

You work. You push. You break through with action.

Creative passion violently disagrees with the surrogates.

  • Creative passion opposes apathy and loves perseverance.
  • Creative passion replaces lust with love.
  • Creative passion rejects indecision and embraces commitment.
  • Creative passion refuses busyness and welcomes productivity.

Passion begets passion while the surrogates merely substitute.

Embrace your newfound creative passion and you’ll be giddily surprised how many opportunities will open up to you.

Now, onto Day 5.


[box options]Question: How have the four surrogates stifled your creative passion? How have you replaced them with real passion to create?[/box]

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Author: Andrew Zahn

I'm a son, husband, dad, business owner, actor and good sleeper/eater. On this blog, I pave a highway for creative growth by providing food, water, and shelter for those wishing to live, work, and play with creative zest.

10 thoughts on “Creative Passion”

  1. It is so easy to go down a path with those others. It gives you excuses for not achieving your creative dream. If you clear them, then you have to do it.

    1. Sometimes just writing them down in black and white is all that’s needed to shed light on those cockroaches.

      Then they scurry.

  2. So often we can think, “I need to add x amount of projects to my plate in order to be more productive and creative,” whereas the real remedy is to simply dig “deeper and wider.” That’s it!

    1. Many can produce a lot of projects, few can do the ‘dig deeper’ thing.

      Amen to your comment Todd!

      1. There’s tremendous power in doing what you already have on your plate with real intention. Being mindful of what already exists in your life can bring a new found creativity without having to go out and start something brand new.

    1. Humbled. Thanks so much for stopping by Michael.

      (P.S. I have someone working on some e-book covers for me. I’ll let you know the progress…)

  3. I thought about you today when I finally finished editing my short post on Don Novello AKA Father Guido Sarducci from SNL. Yes, this was a skit he did 30 years ago, my generation. Nostalgia. Nostalgia. Nostalgia. Humor may be the highest form of creativity and has such an important role in educational settings. – attach emotion to what is being learned and it evokes an eternal memory. I don’t know how you actors do it. Such a complex art form!

    1. Hi Donna!,

      Thanks for your comment (and e-mail a few weeks back).

      I’d never thought of comedy as being the highest form of creativity. It does take a certain finesse to make it work… and it’s very clear when it doesn’t.

      Side note: I’d never do stand-up. Actors are given lines. We just have to memorize them. Stand-ups have to write, perform, and get heckled. Ouch.

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