Nothing But Joy: Video Happiness

My amazingly talented, beautiful, brilliant, hilarious, industrious (I could go on) wife Sarah made this short video about a fun hidden camera moment she captured a few months ago.

The first half-minute includes a few clips of us just enjoying life–the latter half of the video is where the magic happens.

And yes, I didn’t know the camera was even there.

IĀ know you’ll like it.



Author: Andrew Zahn

I'm a son, husband, dad, business owner, actor and good sleeper/eater. On this blog, I pave a highway for creative growth by providing food, water, and shelter for those wishing to live, work, and play with creative zest.

22 thoughts on “Nothing But Joy: Video Happiness”

  1. Quite amazing. Congratulations you guys. If you ever need any parenting tips, do not ask me. Ask my wife.

  2. Congrats! I guarantee that the new member of your family will stretch your creativity to new heights and astound you with unbelievable new ideas.

  3. Fabulous News! There is nothing as rewarding, scary, exhausting, life-changing, frustrating, fulfilling, wonderful, terrifying, confusing or gratifying as raising a kid. Ours is now in college but the journey continues. My best bit of advice to you is sleep when he/she sleeps or the sleep deprivation will nearly kill you. You will love being a Dad. I can say this because I know.

  4. Congratulations you guys! Yes, your life will never be the same, and that child will have the most fun a kid can ever have with loving parents like you. But, I will say, this child will challenge your creativity šŸ™‚ Have fun!

  5. Tears run down my face every time I watch this. What a lucky, lucky baby this will be!! I can’t wait to be a GREAT Auntie again! Love you both!!

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