1. Realize that work, pain and frustration are not a curse, though our attitudes can be.
2. Wear yellow.
3. Compliment liberally, criticize minimally. (Tweet this positivity!)
4. For every negative thing that’s said to you by the “Debby Downer” types, immediately turn it around to the positive.
DD: Oh well. Looks like rain today!
You: Rain is so beautiful! Don’t you love it?
DD: No.
You: Did you know your body is made up of two-thirds water? You are rain!
DD: *walks away thinking you are weird because you’re so positive*
5. Hide the friend on Facebook whose updates start with “ugh” or “rant warning” or anything that resembles something Eeyore would say.
6. Create something–give it away. Continue reading “How to Not Complain: 11 Tips for Staying Positive”