The Problem with Vacations

[box options]Do you agree with Godin’s assessment of vacations? Why or why not?[/box]


Author: Andrew Zahn

I'm a son, husband, dad, business owner, actor and good sleeper/eater. On this blog, I pave a highway for creative growth by providing food, water, and shelter for those wishing to live, work, and play with creative zest.

15 thoughts on “The Problem with Vacations”

  1. If vacation means escape, yes. If vacation means exercising other parts of our creative lives then, no. I look forward to getting away for many reasons. I also look forward to getting home again, sometimes for the same reasons.

    1. Hey Dale! I agree with ya.

      Mini vacations help me. Ten minutes of refreshment can go a long way. If I do this daily, it’s like a cool drink of water.

      1. MIni-vacations… I like the term. I do those frequently. Lunch is good for that! 🙂 And walks. Creativity winds me up, like twisting a rubber band, and I need to unwind to get back into the work. I’m speaking of mental creative work. It helps to go do something physical and to problem solve with my hands as an outlet.

        1. Yes. I can usually only take about 20-30 minutes of creative hunkering down before I have to switch tasks or do something unrelated.

          Washing dishes, folding clothes, running, looking at candy… those little tasks get the brain off the task and often the answer ends up happening.

      2. That said, I think Seth is looking at this from another point of view… that if our meaningful moments are only vacation moments, then we need to re-evaluate our work and life. I wholly agree with that, yet know that not everyone has the freedom to re-evaluate and must simply be faithful to what they are doing to survive and provide for those they love. In that, relationships are more important than work and vacations may mean re-connecting with those you love… life is hard and complicated.

  2. Vacations shouldn’t be about trying to escape. They should be about resting from our work, getting refreshed and finding a new perspective on life. I like going new places or trying new things during vacations – so it’s not just a time away, it really does spur me and gives me new experiences.

    1. Hey Jason! I appreciate the comment. I like vacay’s for the same reason, and yet…

      I think Godin is saying what if we so loved what we did, that we weren’t always dreaming of that beach in Aruba.

      But… I don’t want to work on a beach in Aruba either. Actually, I don’t think I want to work on any beach.

      1. Good idea! Don’t recommend “beach-posting”! Tried to keep my iPad in a ziplock freezer bag at Siesta Key Beach once on a day out with the family. Not just for an inspiration to write, but to snap some photos and listen to music as well.

        Still find sand in it every now and again!

  3. Sometimes I just want to loaf by the beach or river or something….just so I can recharge. Do I want to escape? No. Do I want to experience something different? Yes.

    1. Amen. Different is good… like candy. We need different kinds of candy don’t we.

  4. I agree. Though I think we all need times of rest but should find something we love to do so it never seems like work. So each day we are working in areas of strengths and passions. This allowing us to feel fulfilled and energized.

  5. I think my sentiments reflect what others have already said here. Yes, Godin’s point makes a lot of sense in that you’re job should not be something you dread and need to get away from. But rest is a healthy, Godly attribute, and a nice relaxing vaycay recharges the soul.

  6. When our work is not our passion, we tend to “need” a vacation. When our work is our passion, we seem to only “take a break”.

    The difference?

    Escape from what we want to get away from versus refueling for something we can’t wait to get back to.

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