If you could do anything you wanted, what would it be?
What’s keeping you from fulfilling your dream job?
It’s seems all the rage to talk about day jobs and dream jobs.
It’s a great discussion and I’m so glad people are discovering passions, dreams, and purpose. I love the whole Quitter thing (read more about it here), the ‘chase your dream’ mantra, and working hard to achieve a goal.
Creatives often live a life that mirrors our cell phone plans: we spend our ‘peak minutes’ at a day job while our ‘off peak minutes’ (nights and weekends) afford us little time to get our creativity fix.
"Schizofreakia" Creative Commons: -RobW-
As a creative do you ever feel like this pic to the right?
With my 9-5 as a corporate sales trainer, writing this growing blog, doing a video shoot in a few days and a play reading at the end of the month I make Sally Field’s Sybil look normal.
Monday blues. Case of the Monday’s. I’ve even heard it said that “Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life.” It’s a cute and clever statement, yet some actually believe this. Why waste 1/7th of our lives?
As whole and complete creatives our Mondays must begin on our Sundays with a basic three-fold plan: mind, body, and spirit.
+Sunday mind. Creative people read, listen to podcasts (here’s a good one on Ideation), and chat with other creatives at the local coffee shop. Whatever the case, striking that balance between mind, body, and spirit is rarely achieved without feeding the mind. This past Sunday I read a number of other blogs on creativity, watched a bit of the always inspiring CBS Sunday Morning, and snagged some time to write. Food for the mind.
+Sunday body. A jog. A walk. A ‘wog’ if you’d rather walk-jog. At any rate, a simple twenty minute something to fuel our week lets our bodies know that we care about them. When the weather is nice, like it was yesterday, I’ll clip off a few miles on our local rail-trail. Isn’t it amazing? (Find a trail like this near you.)
Rails to Trails Haven. Sad the railroad is gone. Happy it's used for a good purpose.
+Sunday spirit. Our spirit’s often neglected because it’s an intangible, unlike the mind and body. Sometimes used interchangeably with ‘soul,’ our spirit was created to commune and communicate with God. It’s maintenance is simple: get feed, feed others. My church is amazing–the teaching fantastic. The sheer joy and celebration of life is a banquet for my spirit. We leave knowing we’re loved, full of purpose, and desire to give that love away. Nothing like a healthy dose of gratefulness and thankfulness!
As I sit here now, in the early Monday morning pre-sun hours, I’m looking forward to today and to this week. My mind is charged, my body is refreshed, and my spirit is energized.
No more ‘case of the Monday’s’ thanks to a great Sunday.
How do you prep your mind, body, and spirit to supercharge your Monday?
I’m weak. Like a girl at a hip-swiveling Elvis concert. Can’t say no. Willpower shot.
I hear from within me a whisper of sinister rationalization:
You deserve a break today.
To which I answer “yes. Yes indeed I DO deserve a break today.” And then another voice…
You want it, you need it.
Another answer of “I do want it, and yup, I do need it.” But then, the voice goes one too far with…
I’m lovin’ it.
Sitting here in my office, I realize I’m having an inner dialog with slogans from McDonald’s. Dang marketing department.
Generally, this self-talk happens in a matter of seconds and transpires just before lunch, which, of course, is already packed. I have an apple, a healthy wrap with 46 grams of fiber, and even some Greek Yogurt for dessert. Healthy, yes, but I want the trash food. I want the warm, gooey goodness that can only be found on a McMenu.
I’ll indulge in a McDouble from time to time, ordering it without cheese to make myself feel that I’m still cutting out some of the ‘unhealthy’ calories. Like I’m both auctioneer and buyer at the same time, the script often reads like this:
Auctioneer: I have a lovely McDouble on this pristine, plastic encased menu. I’ll start the bidding at one dollar.
Me: That’s not really even food. I’ll feel terrible after I eat whatever that thing is but I deserve a break today don’t I? Hmmmm. Ok I’ll take it.
Auctioneer: Going once, going twice….
Me: I’ll take it if I can have it without cheese. That’ll make it healthy. Right?!
Auctioneer: Sold to the man with weak willpower.
On my better days, I arrive having already eaten my healthy lunch. I’m just at McDonald’s to get out of the office for a wee bit. They have free wi-fi. They also have Diet Dr. Pepper. I’m a hero. I’m out of the office. I get a treat I love. I haven’t indulged in the McDouble McProblem.
After two (or three) free refills I have enough caffeine in me to levitate back to the office. Thanks Diet Dr. Pepper. Thanks McDonald’s.
Calorie Free McTreat at McDonalds
What are your midday temptations? What marketing department tantalizes your subconscious… and wins?
6 Similarities of Working in an Office and Working on a Cruise Ship
I used to do this:
Now I do this:
As creatives, we have a challenge before us: to live a life filled with joy, connection, and fearlessness, and share those traits with others via our chosen medium of expression. How do we do this? Even in a cubicle?
6 Similarities of Working in an Office and Working on a Cruise Ship
Both jobs involve a performance for an audience. Aren’t all jobs about helping people do something?
Both jobs can become tedious and boring… if we let them.
Both jobs have a dress code. Granted, one is more ‘flashy’ than the other.
Both jobs require skills that can be learned, honed, and perfected.
Both jobs afford to opportunity to pack on the pounds. I’m speaking from experience here. Just sayin’.
All jobs require time and effort. I’m a wee bit selfish with my time and the idea of ‘renting’ myself out 40 hours a week feels a bit like a modern form of prostitution… if I let that attitude creep in. We have to choose to see every thing through artist eyes.
Hmmmm. I just looked at those pics again. I really ought to smile more. Although in the “Top Hat Happy” pic, a smile may detract from the beauty of the purple sequins.
What are your tips to keeping your day job creative? How do you think like an artist while shuffling papers, answering calls, or replying to e-mails?