INTERVIEW: Author Todd Foley on his new book Charades
If you’re looking for a great summer read, you’ll want to check out Charades by Todd Foley (you can grab your copy here).
I sat down at my computer to chat with Todd about his new book and recorded the interview below.
To connect with Todd, stop by his website to see what new projects he’s working on.
As a side note, Mr. Foley is an amazing editor and anyone needing his services would be pleased with his keen (and gentle!) eye and suggestions for better writing.
Most Efficient Way to Shovel (And Save Your Back) in 3 Easy Steps
Upon shoveling out of Jonas today here in Pennsylvania, I’ve done a little research to figure out the most efficient way to shovel. If you want to save your back, take the easy steps below.
1. Listen for doorbell.
2. When doorbell rings, peek out and see if an entrepreneurial teenager is holding a shovel (and/or has a snowblower).
3. Answer door with a $20.00 bill in hand and offer the $20.00 for them to shovel your driveway/walkway.
I like peace, quiet and serenity.
I like things neat, clean and organized.
I don’t learn anything from trying to control my environment to always be in a peaceful/quiet/organized state.
Life is messy. Business is messy. Relationships are messy.
So what’s the alternative to the messy/difficult/stretching? Wallpaper.
- Wallpaper has no relationships.
- Never changes.
- Never learns.
Wallpaper keeps things looking nice…but that’s about it.
That’s not the life I want, the business I want or the relationships I want.
I’d rather be sandpaper. Sandpaper stirs, smooths, roughs, changes and reinvents.
Dreams vs Goals
As 2013 comes to a close and 2014 peers over the horizon, I started thinking about my goals for the coming year.
My thoughts swirled…
So, you wanna do some dumb resolution thing for 2014?
No. That’s a bit tired.
OK, maybe write out your dreams for the coming year then…or your goals.
Well, which is it…dreams or goals?
I dunno. Who are we talking to?
It’s me…you.
Oh, so glad it was me talking and not you talking.
What were we talking about before we interrupted us?
The conversation between myself and myself got more strange (if that’s possible) so I continued it on Facebook. I asked if dreams were different from goals and, if so, how? Here’s a few of the responses. Continue reading “Dreams vs Goals”
5 Sense Guide to Creating an Inspiring Workspace
I said that you’ve got to stay inspired to be inspiring… and this inforgraphic will give you some tools to do both as you go about your work.
The Gutsyness of Creativity
Safety rarely took anything or anyone from good to great.
Our fear of failure, humiliation or judgement must be trumped by our desire to see breakthrough in our creative process.
Question: what risks are you taking?
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Why Create
Creativity isn’t easy. It’s not succinct or efficient–or even reasonable most of the time.
Creating takes hours, days or even years, often producing nothing but the strength and resolve to create again.
- Creativity unleashes
- Creativity transcends.
- Creativity unlocks.
Creativity is our unique gift. Our joy comes from creating and sharing our gift with others. (Tweet that)

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How Men Relate: Man Speak
Repeat for 70+ years?
What do you get when you connect an ultra marathoner/poet, a literary agent/editor and an actor/entrepreneur online in Google Hangouts over the course of 10 months? A book about connection.
When my friend Dave Lukas started talking about a project for collaboration, I was in 100%. The prospect of creating something with someone whom I’d never met in person fascinated me.
Our mutual friend Todd Foley (also never met in person) joined in as well. And we three dudes had a baby several months later. We named our kiddo Man Speak: Conversations on Manhood, Responsibility and [not] Growing Up. Continue reading “How Men Relate: Man Speak”
How to Not Complain: 11 Tips for Staying Positive
1. Realize that work, pain and frustration are not a curse, though our attitudes can be.
2. Wear yellow.
3. Compliment liberally, criticize minimally. (Tweet this positivity!)
4. For every negative thing that’s said to you by the “Debby Downer” types, immediately turn it around to the positive.
DD: Oh well. Looks like rain today!
You: Rain is so beautiful! Don’t you love it?
DD: No.
You: Did you know your body is made up of two-thirds water? You are rain!
DD: *walks away thinking you are weird because you’re so positive*
5. Hide the friend on Facebook whose updates start with “ugh” or “rant warning” or anything that resembles something Eeyore would say.
6. Create something–give it away. Continue reading “How to Not Complain: 11 Tips for Staying Positive”