Childish vs Childlike

When doing creative projects…

Childish: “no one ever helps me. Why doesn’t anyone want my dreams to come true.”

Childlike: “this could be a fun adventure. I hope I make a bunch of mistakes that’ll help me learn and make me a better artist.”

When you have to work a day job to fund your art/projects/fulfilling work…

Childish: “I’d be more creative if I didn’t have my day job. It really stifles me and takes all my time.”

Childlike: “I’m even more creative because I have a day job. I have to be more focused and use my time and resources to the fullest. Plus, I’m grateful to have my needs met. So thankful.”

When being forced to meet a deadline (even when you don’t feel in the ‘creative flow‘)…

Childish: “I just can’t work under the pressure of a deadline. Ideas just don’t happen that way! I’m blocked!”

Childlike: “So it’s not working, ok. What do I need to do differently? Maybe I’ll do an ideation exercise. No matter how bad the ideas, I know I’ll find one that will make a connection that will take me where I need to go. I’m not blocked.”


Those are all chats I’ve had with myself. As creatives, we have two choices: to make time for the things we esteem and value, or to make excuses.

A question I ask myself in my work, play and creativity is often “what am I making?” If I don’t like the answer, I make a change…for good. (Click here to tweet that)

[box options]Need more fuel for your creativity? I wrote this brief e-book that’s helped people write books, land gigs and (most importantly) grow creatively. Honored to have you read![/box]


Author: Andrew Zahn

I'm a son, husband, dad, business owner, actor and good sleeper/eater. On this blog, I pave a highway for creative growth by providing food, water, and shelter for those wishing to live, work, and play with creative zest.

9 thoughts on “Childish vs Childlike”

  1. Well said. Childlike is definitely working with what you have – just look at what kids do with a cardboard box, or a blanket, or some pots and pans from the kitchen… imaginations run wild. Child-ish would be complaining about being bored without the fancy toys… when there’s plenty to do with just a little 🙂

  2. It is easy to view your day job as a drag to your creative pursuits, but for me it is what enables me to have creative pursuits in the first place. Great thoughts.

    1. Right with you Tom!

      One great thing about my day job is that once they found out I could write, produce videos and other creative things, they made a way for me to do those things for them! It’s not always roses, but at least I can smell them much of the time.

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