Freebie for Your Artist

I have a special gift for you, but first I wanted to thank you.

The Creatives blog has been up and running for a little over a year now and I’ve enjoyed interacting with each one of you and learning from you.

The discipline that it takes to write and be part of the creative community of artists makes me better.

You challenge me. You inspire me. You encourage me to keep creating. Thank you!

Onto the Gift…

The best Black Friday sales is the one you don’t have to pay for right?

Amazon has allowed me to give away my ebook, Ten Commandments for Creatives, completely free.

You pay nada. Zip. Zilch.

(Tweet this info to share the freebie-ness) Continue reading “Freebie for Your Artist”

How to (not) Write a Blog: Biggest Blogging Mistakes

Blog Mistake Number One: Poor Title

The best way to keep readers from enjoying your awesome posts is to write a poor title.

Amancay Maahs (Creative Commons)

Your title should engage the reader, build value and provide them with a possible answer to a question they’ve always wanted to know. For instance, you’re reading this post (most likely) simply because of the title “How to (not) Write a Blog: Biggest Blogging Mistakes.”

For some great tips on writing engaging headlines, check this out.

Blog Mistake Number Two: Distracting Errors

If you wint your credibulit to be shot to the wall, make stupid errors just the ones’ in this sentence

Distracting aren’t they?

Tip: if you’re not great at catching grammatical errors, have someone who is gifted in that arena proofread your posts before hitting that publish button.

Continue reading “How to (not) Write a Blog: Biggest Blogging Mistakes”