Ideation Marriage Vows: Brainstorming Tips You Can Use Now

ideation – īdēˈāSHən – noun

“The formation of ideas or concepts.”

[box options]In a post a few weeks ago I asked you, awesome readers, what post in my drafts folder you’d like to see materialize into a full blown post. You voted via your comments, and Why Men Make Breakfast got top honors.

A few runner-ups also peaked your interest along with a post originally titled “Ideation Marriage Vows.” So here she is, your requested post on ideas and marriage.[/box]

What is Ideation?

It’s the exciting part of creativity. You know what I’m talking about. It’s the part that is mostly fun, little work and gives you a rush.

  • Ideation is brainstorming.
  • Ideation is collaboration.
  • Ideation is free form creativity.

Everyone wants the idea. Few want to work it out.

I’m fascinated with ideas, creativity and the process of bringing an idea or concept into a tangible form. It’s intriguing that as I sit here, my brain has things it wants to say, it forms those ideas into words, and my fingers put in on the screen in front of me.

But what if it’s a bad idea?” you might say.

To which I might respond: how do you know it’s a bad idea? Continue reading “Ideation Marriage Vows: Brainstorming Tips You Can Use Now”