When Saying Yes to Others, Means Saying No to Yourself

[box options]Today’s post is a guest post by Amber Kane. Amber holds a Masters of Arts from Union Institute and University of Vermont, crafts amazing scarves/necklaces and writes about it all on her blog. Enjoy![/box]

You’re creative, which means that you might have trouble saying yes and saying no at the right time. 

  • If you are a maker, you are asked to donate your work to silent auction after silent auction.
  • If you are creative you are the go to poster maker, photographer, party planner, home decorator and fixer of all things that require glue.
  • If you are an artist you are the gift maker, dance decorator and problem solver of all things creative

I’m not here to say that helping a friend out is a bad thing, or that you shouldn’t donate your work to a charity that you believe in, but most creative people find themselves saying yes so often to the small things that they don’t feed their own creative journey.

Then they lose their way. Continue reading “When Saying Yes to Others, Means Saying No to Yourself”