10 Reasons Your CURRENT Day Job is Creative (Really)

In a couple hours, I will don my costume for the day. I call it ‘business casual.’

I will sport a professional, corporate look.

I shall spend the morning in a sales meeting and the afternoon strategizing, making phone calls and working with the marketing department.

Ladies and gentlemen: I am a public relations manager.

Yet, I still consider myself a creative. Are you in the same boat? You’re waiting tables at the diner. You’re answering phone calls in a cubicle. You’re picking up endless messes from the kiddos.

We are all creative.

Today, our jobs are creative because like every prolific artist:

  1. We will influence the way people see something.
  2. We will share joy.
  3. We will connect rather than just exist.
  4. We will employ our mediums, whatever they may be, to communicate our ideas.
  5. We will think as creatives think.
  6. We will bring life to our workplace.
  7. We will entertain.
  8. We will believe that our work is good.
  9. We will help.
  10. We will contribute.

Time to put on that costume now, and I’m thankful. Thankful that it’s my choice to see this day job as an artist does. Continue reading “10 Reasons Your CURRENT Day Job is Creative (Really)”

Creating the Intangible

For years I didn’t know why I was creative.

Why I wanted to act, sing or dance. Why I wanted to put thoughts and emotions into something tangible. Why I struggled with my artist friends to give shape and form to make the unseen seen.

I just knew that I had to create.

Then I read this quote… 

Continue reading “Creating the Intangible”

17 Ways to Inspire Creativity

1. Do something that scares you…like making pasta from scratch.

2. Visit The Creativity Post. I love this blog.

3. Give away something you made…that you normally don’t give away.

4. Charge for something you normally give away.

5. Read an inspiring book. Here’s a list of my favorites. Continue reading “17 Ways to Inspire Creativity”

Freebie for Your Artist

I have a special gift for you, but first I wanted to thank you.

The Creatives blog has been up and running for a little over a year now and I’ve enjoyed interacting with each one of you and learning from you.

The discipline that it takes to write and be part of the creative community of artists makes me better.

You challenge me. You inspire me. You encourage me to keep creating. Thank you!

Onto the Gift…

The best Black Friday sales is the one you don’t have to pay for right?

Amazon has allowed me to give away my ebook, Ten Commandments for Creatives, completely free.

You pay nada. Zip. Zilch.

(Tweet this info to share the freebie-ness) Continue reading “Freebie for Your Artist”

Your Biggest Creative Risk

We are the risk-takers.

We are the tightrope-walking plate-spinners.

We are the stake-raisers.

But what if we’re not?

The biggest creative risk we can make is to not create. (Tweet this)


Because when we don’t create our artist dies. Like a once-growing vibrant houseplant stashed in the corner of a dark, dank basement, we wither under the poor conditions of apathy, blame and denial of responsibility.

The remedy? Continue reading “Your Biggest Creative Risk”

Real Artists Work

I’m always inspired by being around artists that challenge and stretch me and since I’ve given up being a passion basher, I see people differently, places differently and my fellow creatives differently.

This past weekend my wife and I headed to the city for artistic inspiration: New York City. My takeaway from our getaway: real artists work.


We saw a couple Broadway shows…

In Cyrano De Bergerac, Cyrano’s first entrance was from the street–from house right of the theater. He then ranted throughout the entire theater, climbing several floors of steps to deliver lines at various locations while shrouding his facial protuberance in the dark of the performance hall and the tilt of his plumed hat.

Only a top athlete could accomplish this feat without becoming breathless and extremely winded. Continue reading “Real Artists Work”

Passion Basher

I used to be a passion basher.

+I scoffed passionate creatives.

+I smirked at artists I deemed pretentious.

+I sneered at anyone who was zealous.


Because I was uncomfortable with their level of commitment and passion.

Because I was jealous of their tenacity.

Because I didn’t understand them and, consequently, was afraid of them.

Basher to Fan

Something happened recently that turned my desire to criticize the creative leaders of our day into a desire to become their fans.

I stopped hating and started loving. Continue reading “Passion Basher”

The Wisdom in Being Foolish

What do explorers, inventors, entrepreneurs, and investors have in common with artists?

They’re fear-free, inspirational risk takers.

Chances are, if we aren’t taking risks in our creative work, we’re being held captive by the fear of looking foolish.

The Fool On the Hill...
Heartlover1717 via Compfight

Foolish is Smart

Picasso and Monet: though many said their paintings were garbage, they’re now regarded as premier artists of their time, reframing how we look at painting.

Foolish is Free

It costs nothing but a dent to your dignity to be foolish.

Foolish is Fun

Mantra: I will be silly and bring joy to my creative work, giving life and inspiration those who enjoy it. (Tweet this)

Dare to be silly.

Foolish is Freedom

Creativity that ends with me, isn’t very creative at all. Creativity inspires.

Your fear-free creating will help others to break free from the contraints of the rational, the predictable, the boring.

Push the limits. Dare to be foolish in your work today and see what you may discover…or uncover.


How to Enjoy Your Day Job

I’m an artist.

I love creating. I love those who create. I love the whole vibe from creative people.

This past weekend I got to do 24 Hour Plays, where a play is cast, written and performed all the course of 24 hours. Awesome and challenging. It was such a thrill to experience that creativity explosion with other writers, actors and directors (here’s my 24 Hour Play experience from last year).

On Monday, it was back to my day job which isn’t always creative. Like most day jobs, there’s a lot of redundancy, e-mailing, spreadsheets, meetings and numbers.


I love my day job.

  • I love that my employers know I’m a creative person and allow me to do creative things that benefit the company.
  • I love that my day job doesn’t rule my life–it simply borrows me for 1/3 of my Mondays thru Fridays.
  • I love that my day job fuels my creative projects like this blog or writing this book to help other creative people.
  • I love that my day job is teaching me things about business that I wouldn’t know otherwise. Continue reading “How to Enjoy Your Day Job”